Fees for Expats in Omani Government Schools are Reduced by 50%

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has recently issued a momentous decree, slashing the fees for expatriate students attending Omani government schools by a striking 50 percent. Consequently, the tuition fees for these students will now amount to a mere RO50, rather than the previous RO100.

Moreover, the MoE has taken a commendable step by extending this reduction to the offspring of non-Omani employees who work at the Ministry. This benevolent decision will lead to a significant 50 percent decrease in their tuition expenses as well. Additionally, the same reduction measure shall be applied to private school fees, reducing them from RO300 to an affordable RO150, and effectively halving the license fees for students from RO1,500 to a manageable RO750.

It is essential to note that certain students will continue to enjoy exemptions from the discounted government school fees. These privileged groups include children born to Omani women who are married to non-Omani men, students hailing from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, students from Yemen, and those who, unfortunately, lack identification documents specifying their nationality.

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